Another challenge-- Learning the Flash program to animate segments of dance collaborating with Veronique MacKenzie and Lukas Pearse. Off to Banff to do some serious studying.
My first full day here at Banff. Today is a holiday here...something called Family Day. Much of the facility was closed, so I happily went out for a longer than expected hike, first into the town proper, then up a mountainside on a trail spotted with elk droppings. Obviously well-used by these animals. I kept one eye on the trail and with the other I kept a lookout for any critters. Ravens were flying about and the occasional snowflake fluttered down through the still air. I came to a fabulous look-off into the valley below and up the side of Lookout Mountain. Returning to the Centre, my route took me past the practice studios for the musicians...small huts, really, and you could faintly hear their music through the sound-proof walls. From another direction the sound of an aria in a pure soprano voice. An amazing place.
Now, for all of you who wonder how we manage to make ends meet, here is Richard working hard to supplement our income. Well, actually, he is posing for The City Speaks in Drums. Great job, Richard! We swooped down on the Public Gardens, and Richard demonstrated his technique learned from a quick lesson on Youtube. We left in a flash right after hearing a child say "Look, Mom! He's going to play the spoons!".
Veronique MacKenzie (dancer/choreographer), Lukas Pearse (sound designer) and I have been working on a collaborative project involving movement, animation, and sound, with each of these elements responding and interacting with the other. Last night at Nocturne in Halifax, we presented our explorations to the public. A truly absorbing and expanding experience, working with these two great professionals in other disciplines. Thanks to Richard Rudnicki for help with set up, take down and photography. Here are some images from last night. View of crowd at gate with one of the projections above. Looking down Granville Street with projection down the block. Lukas Pearse, with his complex technical setup was the master puppeteer. At 9, Lukas went off to another gig, after instructing me on how to run the sound, blend the videos with the live dance. View from Granville Street with all three projections. All of the projections were ...
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